Adding and dropping anime to watch is part of an anime fan’s life. Story too boring? Drop it! Main character is annoying? Drop it! Series too violent or has too much fanservice? Drop it! You don’t like the character designs? Drop it! Anime airs late and you have to sleep early because of work and you are too lazy to record it? Drop it! While many of us might not drop an anime right away after just one episode, a new Japanese survey has shown that several Japanese anime viewers have much stricter standards.


My Navi, which polled 213 college-age anime fans, has asked them how long they’ll give a show before deciding whether or not to watch more of it. here are the results of that poll:

When do you decide whether or not to watch more of a new anime?

● After one episode (46.5 percent of respondents)
● After two episodes (16 percent)
● After three episodes (18.3 percent)
● After four episodes (1.4 percent)
● After five episodes (1.4 percent)
● After six or more episodes (0.9 percent)
● I always keep watching until the end of the series (15.5 percent)

Wow, almost half of them actually drop an anime after the premiere, and only 15.5% watch an anime until the end. There are a multitude of factors as to why people drop an anime or keep watching until the end, and they also surveyed what determines this. According to the respondent, they drop/keep an anime because of:

● Story (72.8 percent)
● Dialogue (10.8 percent)
● Vocal cast (5.6 percent)
● Character design (5.6 percent)
● Production quality (3.8 percent)
● Other (1.4 percent)

While the seiyuu and character designs are important to keep the appeal, in the end, it’s all about the story, because after all, anime can’t run on ecchi alone, and an A-list seiyuu cast giving 100% to their roles cannot save an anime if the story itself is bad enough.

Source: Rocket News 24