Looks like Grape-kun ain’t the only lovable animal spreading cuteness in anime fandoms recently. This is because during Machi Asobi Volume 18 in Tokushima, one cat certainly stole the show. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the Saber Cosplay Cat

This Saber Cosplay Cat hung out over at the ufotable booth during Machi Asobi. There, fans visited the feline cosplayer, and took some pictures. Needless to say, the cat became a real viral hit, even posing alongside a figure of the King of Knights herself.  Oh, and apparently, the cat also has Saber’s armor, it just didn’t feel like wearing it.

Hey, even ufotable head and Machi Asobi organiser, Hikaru Kondo, got into the act, as he also posted a picture!

Well, if it eats a lot, we could say that this cosplay is just purrfect…

images via @nandakaomo, @plusone_inc, and @hikaruufo