Kemono Friends is one of the most popular things in Japan, and saying that may be an understatement. The anime has attracted fans across the board, and even made zoos popular again in Japan. Hey, they even have one very popular fanboy! The anime is so popular that language-learning magazine, the Hiragana Times, even featured the Friends in a lesson.

In the words of Serval, “Sugooooooi!” Hopefully, this can help correct the redundancy in the anime’s “Welcome to Youkoso” opening…

But all kidding aside, the magazine actually featured the anime for their “New Expressions and Buzzwords” lesson. In other words, the anime has become so popular that many Japanese now consider its title a buzzword. People interested in learning English with the help of Kemono Friends can find the lesson in the magazine’s July 2017 issue.

Source: 0takomu