Drawing is definitely a skill not many people have. As for seiyuu, two particular seiyuu stand out for being really terrible at illustrating things. Takuya Eguchi’s art style is just plain bad, while Yuu Kobayashi is infamous for her disturbing drawings.

Takuya Eguchi trying to draw a giraffe

Yuu Kobayashi draws her “favorite Attack on Titan scene

Together, the two are giving people ideas that seiyuu are really bad at drawing. In fact, they’re so bad that companies hire them to do purposely bad artworks to promote something. However, not every seiyuu is a bad artist. In fact, seiyuu Ayane Sakura is constantly proving she’s really good at drawing.

Ayaneru voices Ochako Uraraka for My Hero Academia, and she recently illustrated her own character for Weekly Shonen Jump. Needless to say, she impressed many fans. Yuu Kobayashi and Takuya Eguchi, maybe you guys can take some pointers from her…

She also voices Nao in Charlotte. Needless to say, the multi-talented seiyuu also provided an amazing Charlotte illustration. Fans can find this one via the anime’s official website.

In Occultic;Nine, she voices Ryouko Narusawa. Needless to say, she also has an illustration featuring the series. The illustration served as the end card for the anime’s third episode.

Yes folks, she’s in the same job as Yuu Kobayashi and Takuya Eguchi. And while the other two seiyuu/illustrators get illustration jobs just for comedic value, people are looking to Ayaneru for more serious artworks. And yes, people are now taking notice of how good she is. Keep up the good work Ayaneru!

My Hero Academia sketch via YonkouProdÂ