The Humboldt penguin known as Grape-kun has captured the imaginations of everyone thanks to Kemono Friends. When his home of Tobu Zoo collaborated with the hit anime, he fell in love with his anime counterpart, Hululu. The Penguin just won’t leave his waifu’s side, and even got Hululu’s seiyuu, Ikoku Chikuta, to cheer him on. And when Tobu Zoo took away their Kemono Friends standees inside the enclosures, Hululu stayed for Grape-kun. However, it looks like the zoo is now breaking up the penguin with his waifu, and it also breaks the internet’s heart.

As expected, the little Humboldt looks devastated when the zookeepers took away his Waifu. However, Tobu Zoo revealed that they only took her away because of the weather. In their twitter page, @tobuzoo7, they stated that they’re afraid the rains might damage Hululu’s cardboard cut-out so they temporarily took her away. Well, at least Grape-kun will meet her again!

But even with the explanation, this still saddened fans as the famous penguin looks really heartbroken. They flooded the tweet with replies of sadness, and also cheered the heartbroken penguin on.









Hang in there Grape-kun because she’ll be back!