Did you know that STEINS;GATE is 10 years old this year? In case you forgot, this new website will remind you again! To celebrate STEINS;GATE’s 10th anniversary they have opened a new anniversary website.

For those of you who may have heard of what STEINS;GATE is but have absolutely no idea, fret not. STEINS;GATE, the game, was released on 15th October 2009. It was followed shortly after with an animated version in 2011, and in 2013 it had a theatrical animation as well. Just last year from April to September the sequel, Steins Gate Zero was aired on TVs across Japan and Asia too.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, they will be revealing 10 new projects on the website in the coming days. What can we expect? I honestly have no idea but let’s just wait and see shall we?

Source: Steins Gate 10th Anniversary Website