Much like their other works like Clannad and Kanon, Key’s heart-wrenching post-apocalyptic visual novel, Planetarian, often leaves players in tears. And as the franchise celebrates its 15th anniversary, Key is now planning a brand new OVA to celebrate.

To help fund this new OVA, they are launching a new crowdfunding campaign via Campfire on 29th November. Patrons will receive various rewards, from Blu-ray copies of the OVA to a Flowercrest Department Store alarm clock with Yumemi’s voice, and even video greetings from Yumeni herself! Backers can also get tickets to a planned anniversary party event in the future.

Its goal will be to reach 30 million yen in just two months.

Planetarian is set in a post-apocalyptic world where war and violence is the nor,. It follows an unnamed Junker who wanders into a planetarium inside an abandoned department store. There, he meets an android named Yumeni, who remains positive that her planetarium will get more visitors even if nobody has visited for over 30 years already.

Source: Anime! Anime!