2015 is definitely the year of Digimon as we will not only be getting the upcoming Digimeon Adventure Tri. movies, but also heaps of Digimon-related merchandise. As part of the franchise’s 15th anniversary celebrations, Bandai is releasing special limited edition goggles, which are a replica of the ones “Chosen Child”, Taichi Yagami, used to wear in both Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02.


Faithfully reproduced to emulate of the bearer of the Crest of Courage, these goggles are scheduled for release some time in December 2015. The Bandai Premium online shopping page is exclusively offering these goggles, and reservations are open only until 30 September, and each pair costs 4,860 yen, tax included. They even have some background music to complete the Digimon feel!

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The goggles’ product page also previews another upcoming Premium Bandai item, which is the replica of the Chosen Children/ Digidestined’s Digivice. This Digivice replica lights up and also emits sounds, just like when you digivolve your partners!


These were based on the goggles worn by Taichi Yagami, first bearer of the crest of courage and Agumon’s partner Digidestined. They were later handed down to the new bearer of the crest of courage, Daisuke, who wore them on Digimon Adventure 02.