Halloween is a time where you will never know what people might wear, and that holds true even in Japan. During the “VAMPS HALLOWEEN PARTY” concert last 23 October, fans were treated to one very big surprise as J-rock superstar GACKT, together with his band, all appeared wearing “demon nurse” costumes.


If you ask me, he could totally pass for a real woman, but then again, once he… uh… she (?) appeared, this “demon nurse” denied that she (?) is GACKT and said that “GACKT is not a woman!”. But then again, the “demon nurse” said that “GACKT might actually pull it off with that face of his.”


Sporting an apron for “Camui♂Gakuen,” the artiste promoted his side project with the costume, and this very side project involves him and his band going head-to-head with a high school cover band made up of student council members.

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Hey, it’s Halloween! There’s even a video of the performance, cue people laughing in the background. Check it out:

Source: Hachimakikou