Last time, Momoiro Clover Z cosplayed the Z Fighters as they were announced to join Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F (Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F) as special guest cast members. For their latest CD jacket for their single “Z no Chikai“, it has been revealed that they have really become Z Fighters.


The jacket features the idols, still in their respective colors, donning a Dragon Ball-inspired gi with several dragon balls floating around. The CD’s panel jacket meanwhile will feature all five members wearing costumes inspired by the villain of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F, Frieza.


The Z no Chikai single will be released on 29 April, a few days after the Japanese premiere of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F. Meanwhile, the movie’s official soundtrack album will be released on 8 May.

Dragon Ball manga creator Akira Toriyama himself wrote the concept for Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F, which is set after the events of the previous movie, Battle of Gods. The movie follows the Z Fighters once again as they battle a resurrected Frieza, who came back thanks to his two surviving minions being able to gather the Dragon balls. While the word Fukkatsu means “Resurrection” in Japanese, the “F” in the movie’s title means Frieza.

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source: Comic Natalie