A pair of Yuukis has been added to the cast of one of this year’s most hyped anime, One Punch Man, and they are Yuuki Kaji (Attack on Titan’s Eren Yeager) and Aoi Yuuki (Sword Art Online II’s Yuuki Kono) (see what we did there?). They will be voicing a pair of powerful and deadly characters which compliment the series’ over-powered main character.


Yuuki Kaji will voice Onsoku no Sonic, which literally means the speed of sonic/ sound. Sonic, as he is mostly called, is a self-proclaimed “strongest ninja” who is not too picky about the jobs that he is hired for.


Meanwhile, Aoi Yuuki will be voicing Senritsu no Tatsumaki, which literally means “The Tornado of Terror”. She is an S-class Rank 2 hero who uses supernatural attacks with her esper powers.


They will be joining the already-announced cast members which comprise of Makoto Furukawa (Golden Time’s Banri Tada) as the main character, Saitama a.k.a. One Punch Man, and Kaito Ishikawa (Haikyuu!!’s Tobio Kageyama) as Saitama’s apprentice, Genos.

One Punch Man is based on Yusuke Murata (Eye Shield 21 creator) and ONE‘s popular shounen manga series based on a hero who has trained so much and has become so powerful that his hair has fallen off. The anime adaptation will be produced by Madhouse with Space Dandy’s Shingo Natsume as the director. No official release date for the anime has been announced in its official website or twitter page, however, it has been listed for October 2015 by Shueisha.

source: One Punch Man official website