We have a Sound! Euphonium sequel anime coming up, but before that, a compilation movie will be shown in Japan, and it will take a look back at the events from the first anime. The official Kyoto Animation YouTube channel has now started streaming that upcoming anime film’s full PV:

As the video has announced, the compilation film will premiere on 23 April in theaters across Japan. The film, officially titled Gekijou-ban Hibike! Euphonium ~ Kitauji Koukou Suisouraku-Bu e Youkoso~. will follow the journey of Kumiko, Reina, Sapphire, and the rest of the Kitauji High School Brass Band as they take on their regional rivals for the Regional Championships.

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Meanwhile, the sequel will be taking place after the events of the first TV anime/ compilation film. More announcements about the sequel will be made in the days ahead.