Sumo, Japan’s national sport, may look simple at first, but it involves a lot of technique. This ancient sport requires the competitors to throw each other outside the circle, and has thrilled the Japanese for centuries. Now, high school girls in sailor uniforms show how it’s done in a new video:

Two high school girls demonstrate a total of 82 sumo techniques in the video. They really show that the sport ain’t just about two fat guys trying to throw each other out, huh? It’s not just about pushing, as there’s also lifting, slapping, and a whole bunch of other techniques.

The video is all to promote the 101st annual High School Sumo Kanazawa Tournament. It features actresses Misaki Jimbu and Chihiro, who really underwent sumo training. To really make the video as authentic as possible, they shot the video under close expert supervision for three days. The techniques the two actresses showed in the video are:

1. Oshitaoshi 
2. Oshidashi 
3. Tsukidashi  
4. Tsukitaoshi 
5. Yoritaoshi 
6. Kimetaoshi 
7. Kimedashi 
8. Yorikiri 
9. Waridashi 
10. Okuritsuridashi 
11. Tsuridashi 
12. Okuritaoshi 
13. Okuridashi 
14. Okurinage 
15. Sokubiotoshi 
16. Tsukiotoshi 
17. Hatakikomi 
18. Hikiotoshi 
19. Okurihikitaoshi 
20. Sabaori 
21. Abisetaoshi 
22. Ushiromotare 
23. Hikkake 
24. Tottari 
25. Sakatottari 
26. Katasukashi 
27. Shitatedashinage 
28. Uwatedashinage 
29. Ketaguri 
30. Kekaeshi 
31. Susoharai 
32. Tsumadori 
33. Kozumatori 
34. Susotori 
35. Ashitori 
36. Komatasukui 
37. Sutokomata 
38. Kainahineri 
39. Uchimusou 
40. Sotomusou 
41. Uchigake 
42. Sotogake 
43. Chongake 
44. Ukurigake 
45. Kakezori 
46. Kawazugake 
47. Kakenage 
48. Watashikomi 
49. Kirikaeshi 
50. Uwatehineri 
51. Shitatehineri 
52. Kotehineri 
53. Kubihineri 
54. Zubuneri 
55. Gasshohineri 
56. Dokkurinage 
57. Amiuchi 
58. Harimanage 
59. Sukuinage 
60. Kotenage 
61. Uwatenage 
62. Shitatenage 
63. Makiotoshi 
64. Oosakate 
65. Ipponzeoi 
66. Nicchonage 
67. Koshinage 
68. Kubinage 
69. Yobimodosh  
70. Oomata 
71. Tsuriotoshi 
72. Okuritsuriotoshi 
73. Mitokorozeme 
74. Nimaigeri 
75. Tsukaminage 
76. Yaguranage 
77. Ucchari 
78. Sototasukizori 
79. Tasukizori 
80. Tsutaezori 
81. Izori 
82. Shumokuzori

And hey, the campaign also launched its own official Sumo Girls campaign website. As for the tournament itself, they will on it on 21st may at the Ishikawa-kenritsu Utatsuyama Sumo Arena.

Source: Sora News 24