Hey everyone! It’s Kixkillradio here! (@kixkillradio) ヾ(^∇^)

It’s still cold where I live and I know that it’s still cooler in other parts of the world. So I thought of making a kotatsu living room for my Cu-poche babies to stay warm during this season. Don’t worry it’s easy!

Plus today’s feature is one of the cutest in Frame Arms Girl series…

Cu-poche FRAME ARMS Girl Baselard!

Have you guys wondered what she’s like in her everyday life as a Frame Arms Girl? Today, I decided to play as Ao and make Baselard her own kotatsu living room to share with Stylet and Gourai.

But first, I have to make a kotatsu. You might have seen it used in some of the anime and Jdrama. A kotatsu is a wooden table that is commonly used during winter in Japan. It has a heater underneath and a blanket to keep them warm and relaxed.

How to make a Miniature Kotatsu for Cu-poche

Here are the things that you’ll need:

Sintra Board ( 9cm x 9cm)
Self Adhesive Vinyl Paper (or furniture sticker) – These are available at local hardware or craft stores.
Any Fabric and Non-woven Fabric
Tin foil
4 Popsicle sticks –
1 Round wooden sticks
Double sided tape

Make sure to watch the video!

Now that the table is finished, I’m showing you how to make a kotatsu living room using the old materials that I already have.

Watch the video:

How to Make a Miniature Kotatsu Living Room 

Ta-dah! Baselard is ready to hang out and set aside her battle gear for now!

I am really happy to add Baselard in my Frame Arms Girls Cu-poche collection. I actually like her personality in the anime series, she seemed innocent but she is truly sharp and knowledgeable.

A hot pot with Gourai and Stylet is just perfect.

And a card game with the girls seems a lot of fun too!

That’s all for today folks! I hope you learned a few ideas on making a quick and easy props and roombox for your Cu-poche girls.

See you again next time!

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ